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القصة المصورة الوصف

For L.A.

نص القصة المصورة

  • Act 3, Scene 1, Lines 88-184
  • Quince- I want you to speak as Thisbe and answer Pyramus as your line.
  • Flute- Quince, what is my next line?
  • Oh My, you have changed very much(creeping away slowly from bottom).
  • Hello my fellow actors.
  • In this part of the scene, all of the actors are trying to rehearse for a play so they can perform it in the future.
  • La la la la la
  • That singing of yours is just amazing. What is, even more, is how beautiful you are.
  • In comes Bottom with the head of a donkey staring each and everyone of the actors to get him out of their site.
  • Here
  • Here
  • Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, and Mustardseed I would like for you all to come here and meet my lover.
  • Bottom all alone with his donkey head walks right into the sleeping fairy of Titania.
  • Yes Ma'am
  • Yes Ma'am
  • I want you all to be kind to this gentlemen. I want you to give him food and do whatever he asks of you.
  • Before Bottom realises that there is a fairy he is singing and wakes the fairy up who instantly falls in love with him due to a potion.
  • Titania brings bottom then go and see four fairies of hers that she wants to be near and help Bottom with what ever he wants.
  • Here
  • Here
  • Titania tells the fours fairies to be nice to bottom and do whatever he requests. Give him food and other good resources too.
  • Yes Ma'am
  • Yes Ma'am
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