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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • okay, well please be careful look at the cars wen passing the street have a great day
  • Dad, I walk to school I hope you have a good day at work
  • Of course, miss, did something wrong happen?
  • good morning Emily wanted to talk to you before classes start
  • let's go to the teacher's room please
  • I want to congratulate you because you have obtained a scholarship in the best university for your excellent grades
  • I am also sure that it will be a joy for your parents, congratulations
  • really? that's great news, I worked hard for this, I'm very happy and I know my parents will be too
  • Thanks you Miss
  • Thanks you! I'm going home see you tomorrow bye
  • Peter! I got the scholarship at the University I am very happy, next week I have a meeting with the director
  • congratulations, i knew you would get it
  • Mom Dad. I have great news for you,I was accepted to the University, I will have a scholarship for good grades I am very excited
  • we knew you would make it, we are very happy, we have to celebrate this in your favorite restaurant
  • cheers for the good news!
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