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Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Let's go to New Zealand, chop chop!
  • I don't want to go to New Zealand why can't we go to somewhere interesting!
  • December 1814
  • We made it to the Bay of islands! Unload the pork and potatoes and let's get walking!
  • Bay of Islands
  • Are you sure we need 700 pounds of Potatoes and 300 pounds of pig!?
  • What a lovely lake!
  • We have walked for ages Samuel Marsden!
  • Lake Ōmāpere
  • Now our next mission is to find the Maori and convert them to christanility so they can be more civilised!
  • Yes, let's go!
  • Hello Maori! I, Samuel Marsden want to make you all christan!
  • I don't agree they might attack us!
  • Ok, I agree to buy guns for you.
  • Kia ora, you can stay but you have to buy muskets for us or else!
  • We are going to be great friends!
  • Maori land
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