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Ancient India Project

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Ancient India Project
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • This trip to India has been really fun, but I've been wondering, what did the Ancient Indians do that made them so special?
  • I don't know, Jules! Probably nothing important!
  • Actually...
  • Indians invented the Hindu-Arabic Number system!
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • Indians also invented the idea of zero!
  • Poof!
  • And infinity too! They invented nothing, and everything!
  • ∞
  • Indians invented and performed the first plastic surgery too! And they invented several medical tools as well!
  • 33 42 x
  • Indians invented a lot of mathematical algorithms too!
  • Indians made important advances in the fields of metallurgy and astronomy!  And they did so much more too!
  • Okay, okay, they discovered a lot, but we could have just visited the museum. And they did NOT have to break physics like that!
  • I think our plane took off. We are stranded in India and now and its nighttime.
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