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Conquest of the New World Comic Strip

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Conquest of the New World Comic Strip
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Francisco Pizarro and his conquistador's, set their sights on the South America hoping to find loads of riches or gold.
  • Once Pizarro and his men arrived in the eastern part of South America they got straight to their plan of action. Knowing they were not at a house party they raided towns and shot guns at Incan villagers.
  • Next, they captured the Incan's Emporer Athaulupa, by tricking him into going to a feast they held in honor of him.
  • I miss old life.
  • The Conquistadors work was not done yet. Later, the Atahualpa tried to rebelled and they had to settle the conflict peacefully. Well maybe not so peacefully.
  • The Spanish were immune to smallpox, had horses, and better weaponry . This gave them the ultimate advantage over the Inca.
  • Pizarro won, making Peru his to rule, and his allies ruled the rest of South America besides Brazil. Therefore, the Incas way of life and culture fell off.
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