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Siege of vicksburg

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Siege of vicksburg
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Location (Where did it happen)The siege of Vicksburg took place in the city of Vickburg.
  • Union commander Ulysses S. Grant led the Tennessee army of 35,500 men all loyal to him
  • Ulysses S. Grant VS John Pemberton
  • General John Pemberton led the South's army with 18,000 men loyal to him
  • Ulysses S. Grant won the battle and Pemberton surrendered.
  • I surrender
  • What was the outcome of the Siege of Vicksburg?The outcome of the Siege of Vicksburg allowed the north to take over Vicksburg which was held by the south. It would cut off the Confederacy supply lines to the west. As Well as isolating rebel states from the south.
  • May 18, 1863 - July 4, 1863
  • Possible Legacy/impact (How is this battle remembered today? How did this battle impact the result of the war?)The Siege of Vicksburg impacted the Civil War due to it being a great victory for the Union giving the Union control of the Mississippi River. This was a very huge turning point of the Civil War.
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