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The wise and the foolish builders

قم بإنشاء Storyboard
انسخ هذه القصة المصورة
The wise and the foolish builders
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • الانزلاق: 1
  • I want you two to build your houses high up on that hill over there, so that it has a strong foundation
  • HMM
  • In this scene of the parable, Jesus tells 2 builders to build a house that is built on a good and strong foundation, so that the house can be durable. When Jesus says this, he is symbolizing to all his followers that we should build strong foundations for our lives
  • الانزلاق: 2
  • In this scene of the parable, horses are taking the 2 builders and their tools to where they are building their houses
  • الانزلاق: 3
  • Nah, I think i will build mine right here as it will take me forever to build if i have to constantly walk up and down that huge hill. It will be double the amount of work, and i want my house now!
  • I think i am going to build my house up there, as Jesus said that we should build it high on a hill so that is will give the house a strong foundation .
  • In this scene of the parable, the 2 builders choose where to build their houses, and it is clear in this cell that the wise builder follows Jesus's teachings by building the house high on a strong foundation, and it is also clear that the foolish builder ignores Jesus's teachings and builds it low and on a weak foundation.
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