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Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar
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نص القصة المصورة

  • (2) Not everyone loved Caesar, a Soothsayer warned him to beware the ides of March, also known as the 15th of March. But he ignored it.
  • The main events that happened to Julius Caesar, By Jayden Ramos: (1) The people of Rome were taking a day off to celebrate the return of the General Julius Caesar to rejoce in his triumph in his battle against Pompey.
  • (4) When Brutus was having second thoughts for Caesar even though he used to be a great friend to him, it felt like he was in a hideous dream.
  • (5) Brutus' wife, Portia, was concerned about him asking "Is Brutus sick?" (6) but he said that he will explain his distress later and she should leave him with haste.
  • (3) Casca told Brutus and Cassius how Mark Antony tried to establish Caesar as a king. Caesar refused although Casca thought that he wanted to accept the crown,
  • (7) The ides of March were come since Calphurnia, Caesar's wife, had visions of bad omens, and worried that they predict Caesar being murdered because (8) The heavens themselves blaze forth the deaths of princes.
  • (13) Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war was a message Antony sent to Octavius Caesar, Julius Caesar's adopted son, to explain what happened.
  • (10) Portia heard a bustling rumor about the conspirators' plans, and tried to warn Caesar. He brushed aside everyone's warnings.
  • (11) Before Caesar dies, he sees Brutus holding a knife and says "Et tu. Brute? Then fall Caesar"
  • (14) At Caesar's funeral, Brutus told the people that Caesar was killed to protect the Roman Republic from Caesar's ambition, which would have made him a tyrant later (death for his ambition)
  • (9) Decius, one of the conspirators, showed up and convinces Caesar to go to the Senate. Caesar said that Danger knows full well that Caesar is more dangerous than he.
  • (12) When Brutus promised "With all kind love, good thoughts, and reverence", Antony shook the bloody hands of the murders.
  • (15) Antony displayed Caesar's body at the speech, and told the people that Caesar was not ambitious, that when the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept. (16) He also showed them Caesar's wounds and told them if you have tears, prepare to shed them now, since he also revealed Caesar's will.
  • (18) Mark Antony and Octavius planned for battle, and when Brutus and Cassius realized that the enemy increaseth every day, they decided to challenge them to battle right away.
  • (20) During the battle, Brutus found Cassius dead. He grieves, but he had to return to the battlefield "Let us to the field."
  • (19) While Brutus stood up in his tent reading, the ghost of Caesar appears to him, telling Brutus he will see him again at the battle. It was a monstrous apparition.
  • (21) Antony and Octavius found Brutus fallen on his own sword. They honored him as the only good conspirator, Antony called him "The noblest Roman of them all."
  • (17) The people that were in anger, set off to attack the conspirators, yelling "O noble Caesar!"
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