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formation of solar system

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formation of solar system
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نص القصة المصورة

  • 13.8 - 4.6 Billion Years AgoOnce upon a time, there was a dust cloud, floating in space.
  • 4.6 Billion Years AgoAn exploding star, called a supernova, sends shockwaves, causing the cloud to collapse.
  • 4.6 Billion Years AgoWhere the cloud once was, there was solar nebula, a group of swirling material
  • 4.5 Billion Years AgoGravity in the the nebula pulled in matter. The gravity was so strong that it combined hydrogen atoms into helium, releasing energy, creating our Sun.
  • 4 Billion Years AgoOther matter further away clumped together, creating planets, big moons, and dwarf planets, leftovers created asteroids, comets, and smaller moons.
  • TodayAll of this created what is now our solar system today!
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