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Manvi take view from Mr. ORANGE Tree

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Manvi take view from Mr. ORANGE Tree
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Hello everyone,I am Manvi from People's Life Channeland going to take a interview with a very old friend Mr. Orange tree
  • Hello Manvi and friends excited to share my views and experience
  • Firstly, I want to ask,Who is the oldest tree on this earth?
  • The great Bristlecone pines is the oldest tree in existence today. It is reaching an age of over 5000 years.
  • Wow!Okay so, How do you keep yourself green?
  • Well... I have a special pigment called chlorophyll which makes me green.
  • How do you eat?
  • I make food by the process of photosynthesis in which chlorophyll helps me absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide to make food.
  • Wow, you can make your own food.So, is that what makes you useful to people...??
  • Well…, I provide wood, paper, food and most importantly oxygen to people.Also I maintain life cycle and water cycle
  • That's a lot!Lastly, I would like to ask,Do you miss the old times? 
  •  Of course! There were more trees around and less pollution. More birds used to chirp and sit on me. It used to be less hot and more rainy. I hope this doesn't get worse!
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