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The firefighters and Leo

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The firefighters and Leo
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • This is Leo's house. Leo is a sheriff in comanche county and lives in a very nice naborhood In which everybody knows everybody and they all get along. Leo and Harlow were child hood friends up until Harlow became toxic and moved to a different town far away
  • Leo soon found out that his ex best friend was moving back so he decided to reach out to him, find out his address, and go give him a welcoming basket and talk to him.
  • This is harlows house (the villain). Harlow had some tough things going on where he currently lived to he decided to move back to the town where him and leo met. Harlow was a very not kind person who never liked to talk to anyone or make friends
  • At the time, Harlow did not know that Leo was a cop and he was being very rude and unpleasant. Leo did not like disrespectful he was being so he stood up to him and told him that what he is doing, is not right.
  • Harlow threw eggs on his windows, threw rocks on the windows causing them to shatter, put a banner over his garage, and also turned on hose.
  • Harlow got supper mad that Leo stuck up for himself so he decided to follow Leo home, and wait for a good time to vandelize the outside of his house. when Leo went to the store, Harlow dressed in black clothing and trashed his house.
  • Leo was shocked to come home to this, so he checked his security cameras. it was clearly Harlow. Leo then rushed to arrest him and take him to court for vandeling property. Harlow was shocked to see that he was actually an officer. Harlow got in jail for 102 days
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