Jonas and the Giver hatch a plan for Jonas to get out of the community. The plan involves Jonas riding away on a bike the night before the ceremony. The Giver will tell the community how Jonas fell into the river and died, meaning a ceremony of loss will be held, and this will give Jonas a headstart on his journey.
I cannot live here anymore! we must escape and find a way to return the memories to the people!
Ok, lets make a escape plan
The plan takes action with Jonas leaving with Gabriel. Jonas rides on his father bicycle and after long rides, they finally find a city which looks like the ones from Jonas's memories.
Jonas tells the Giver about how today his father realeased a twin today. The Giver reminds Jonas how he has access to the videos of releasing people, so Jonas watches his father lethally injects the baby and kill it. Jonas is shocked. He can't believe this is release!
MY FATHER KILLED HIM! Is that what release means?!?
Let me just put this injection in you, and put you in the chute