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Cuban Missile

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Cuban Missile
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hello, my name is John F Kennedy, I am the president of the United States of America
  • Hola my friend, my name is Fidel Castro and I am the revolutionary politican and leader of Cuba
  • Privet comrad, my name is Nikita Khrushchev and I am the first secretary of the communist party of the soviet union.
  • John F Kenedy had a plan to invade the island of Cuba and overthrow their ruler, Fidel Castro.
  • Good Idea John!
  • The United States of America had placed missiles in Turkey, so if The Soviets sent missiles to America, they could return fire just as quickly.
  • This is why i'm the president of the great United States of America
  • However, the invasion, sponsored by the US Government and the CIA, failed and the Cuban exiles that were trained, were captured and held in prison. The failed invasion, was the denial and failure of the US Foreign Policy, embarrassed the Kennedy administration, deteriorating US-Cuban relationships, and bringing Cuban-USSR relationships closer together.
  • This is what you get for stepping one foot onto my Island
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