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English Civil War and Revolution

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English Civil War and Revolution
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • petition of power
  • how about no
  • hey man sign this please
  • petition of power
  • ha sucker
  • James I takes throne and creates a conflict with parliament. A religious issue, a power issue which is the divine rights of kings, and lastley a money issue. James I dies, and his son Charles I takes over. Charles continues divine rights of kings and also has a problem with parliament. 
  • Parlliament tries to limit Charles power with a petition of power, which Charles just ignored. Civil War begins between parliament(roundheads) vs. king(cavaliers), parliament wins. Oliver Cromwell lead the parliament army. 
  • Charles I is beheaded publicly, and the monarchy is abolished. Purge parliament of kings supporters. Oliver Cromwell sets up military dictatorship. Cromwell dies, leading the english army to restore monarchy Charles II takes over.
  • Charles II no divine rights of kings, did not threaten parliament. Charles II dies, and his brother James II takes over. James II is openly catholic, and parliament becomes worried, when James has a son. The parliament fear catholic rule.
  • William of Orange who is married to James II daughter Mary, is asked to invade and take over. James II fleed to France once he realized he had little support from England. And the revolution had little to no bloodshed. 
  • hmmm maybe 
  • come invade and take over
  • William of Orange and Mary are offered throne, they accept. William and Mary help create the bill of rights, and turn England into a constitutional monarchy. Where the king works with parliament to do everything.
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