Jun young Kim's (Louie Kim) Storyboard summary project
نص القصة المصورة
Good evening
there's some men that some things mean more to them than money.
I'll be able to feed you and give you a place to sleep but I can't pay.
Burrddttt! bddurrddtttt
Don't ever let any man take her away from you
she's the sweetest girl in the world.Any man come after her,'ll have to stay around the place
"Good evening," the old woman said; the tramp stood looking at her and didn't answer. Instead, he turned his back and faced the sunset.
Huu, I need more money, but I think Seventeen-fifty is maximum that she can afford.
you'd be getting a permanent house and a deep well and the most innocent girl in the world. I can give Seventeen-fifty per week.
Mr. Shiftlet wants to fix the car, and he tells to old woman that he is genuinely reliable.
I can't wait. I got to make Tuscaloosa.
She looks like an angel of Gawd!
Old woman asks Mr. Shiftlet if he got married or not. She also keeps compliment her daughter Lucynell; even it is not true. This is because she wants her daughter to get married to Mr.Shiftlet.
I'm... innocent I didn't make any fault.
The old woman convinces Mr. Shiftlet to marry her daughter. And, she offers to give money to persuade Mr.Shiftlet to marry her. Mr. Shiftlet wants more money, but he can not ask for more money since he said that he does not care about money.
IIn depression, Mr.Shiftlet decides to run away from Lucynell. And, young clear mesmerize about Lucynell's beauty.
There was a guffawing peal of thunder from behind and fantastic raindrops, like tin-can tops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiftlet's car.