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The basketball game

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The basketball game
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  •  Tim and Sam were beast friends they played Besketball toghether.
  • Score!
  • Whats sup? how are you?
  • When they were playing a new kid wanted to play with them. Tim got mad so he said no.
  • Would you guys keep it down i am trying to teach the class.
  • Good what about you.
  • They kicked the mean kid out so Sam and the new kid were playing the game but they did not have a ball so Sam took a ball from the rack.
  • HI!!
  • They became best friends and they prectised all day long they were ready for a game. Score!
  • The bell ringed then they had to get to class luckaly they were in the same class.
  • At the end of school they said bye the next day they sal echother they said hi. THE END.
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