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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Hello Estefany, very well everything has been perfect.
  • Good, I am very happy, I would like to know how the quality management process has been with your crafts company?
  • Sure, I'll tell you, we've been working hard on the implementation and improvement of the quality of our materials, raw materials, and personnel. Likewise, improvements in safety standards in operational areas.
  • Hello, good morning, how are you?
  • Good, it all soundsso interesting, I had the idea of ​​creating a company that has Colombianproducts similar to yours
  • And more generally,what is a management process? And how are you implementing it?
  • Count on me to carryout this super idea, keep in mind that you need to start a management processto organize your company's staff.
  • And why in the areaof ​​raw materials?
  • A management process is a set of activities that interact with the objective of transforming elements that enter and leave for the satisfaction of customers. And I have implement edit in several rules that must be fully complied with in the company and in the area of ​​raw materials.
  • Since the quality process begins with the raw material, if you do not have good bases or good material, the quality of the products will not be the same, so that is where more attention should be paid.
  • Ok, of course everything makessense, I have investigated and there are many categories within the craft,likewise the materials are soon diverse. And more generally, what is a management process? And how are you implementing it?
  • It is correct, also with in the rules that we implement with the personnel is to use their uniform sand protections for the care of them and the products. The other rule is to organize the crafts according to weight so as not to affect health in futuretimes.
  • That's right, if you want to join me to be a bit more contextualized, it will be of great help to you.
  • If you don't put it into practice,the others won't.
  • Thanks! I'll see you soon.
  • Well, the truth is, the management process that you are using in your company has become clear to me, I hope that everything turns out excellent for you in your company
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