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Economics prioject 2

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Economics prioject 2
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Corporation in MonopolyBy Hannah Traweek5th period 10/07/21
  • 3) I need help identifying and defining a corporation in monopoly?
  • 1) Hey Mr smith?
  • Okay well take a seat and ill explain.
  • 2) Hi Andrew, how can I help you? 
  • 2) How could a corporation become a monopoly though?...
  • 3) A corporation can become a monopoly when the product is a 100x better then the nearest substitute which gives them little to no competition
  • 1) A monopoly is a company that has nearly no competition and can set its own prices and terms
  • 1) Is that similar to a partnership in a oligopoly?
  • 2) Well that relationship does have competition but there are a limited amount of firms in a oligopoly so every firm is successful which creates the partnership.
  • 2) What happens if the owner dies? What happens if the company gets sued?
  • 1) Another popular business is sole proprietorship they are owned by a single person and are pretty competitive which is why some people struggle with it
  • Dang
  • 1) That's the other thing about sole proprietorship the owner has unlimited liability and limited lives. Unfortunately when the owner dies so does the business
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