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Chapter 12 Section 1 Oregon Trail Comic Strip Project

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Chapter 12 Section 1 Oregon Trail Comic Strip Project
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hello. My name is John. Today, I'll be travelling with my fellow settlers on the Oregon Trail.
  • I have packed provisions, clothes, and tools. I have provisions to eat, clothes to wear, and tools to use in case something happens to my wagon.
  • Day 2 of our trip, and we have experienced pretty bad weather. The days are very hot, and the nights are very cold. We also found that it rained pretty hard last night, and as a result, we have had to deal with mud while trying to get our wagons ready to travel more.
  • What kept me going was all the beautiful sightings. The beautiful landscapes, the flowers on the ground, even the birds flying through the air. This is what kept my spirits up throughout the journey.
  • We had seen that there were lots of discarded supplies all over the trail. We didn't get attacked by Indians as much as we usually did back at the United States, so that's a good thing.
  • We have finally made it to Oregon! Funny thing is, most of the people with us on the trail didn't actually settle here.
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