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Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Communist oppression left 1,500,000 people leaving Vietnam in order to live a better life.
  • After the Vietnam war, many people fleed the country. Vietnam was filled with communists who ruled us. We fleed to seek economical help.
  • Many of us left on boats to journey to Southeast Asia and America. We were torn down from the war and needed to find a way to live in peace.
  • There were about 200,000 people who died on the trip while trying to make it to Southeast Asia.
  • On a smaller boat 70,000 people from Vietnam left to go to America. America was the land that gave these people opportunities at a new life.
  • Life in America was not guaranteed and many people died on the journeys getting their so making it was a huge accomplishment.
  • Later in 1975 the North and South of Vietnam reunited. But many of the country side homes were destroyed and damaged.
  • After this Saigon(Vietnam city) Increased their population 3 times as what it was before leading up to 3,500,000 living there.
  • During the war the French were forced to leave because they could no longer maintain their Indochina Colonies.
  • After the war Vietnam grew from having little to nothing to have an entire city and increasing their population by 3 times as much as they had. Although it was torn from wars and their were communists.
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