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Design and Technology comic strip

قم بإنشاء Storyboard
انسخ هذه القصة المصورة
Design and Technology comic strip
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Well to find that out lets zoom in a bit!
  • Sir, How does my laptop display images?
  • A computer Displays images using three primary colors red, green, and blue. These colors have 256 color options each and can be combined to make 16777216 color choices. those colors then combine again to make images like this, but lets zoom in some more.
  • If we look really close at a computer screen we can see tiny little squares made up of the three colors they are the pixels. When you look from normal viewing distance the colors mix making you see the images you see very clear images.
  • WOW! computers are amazing.
  • Computer are amazing they can display high resolution images and video, encode and decode documents and audio, transfer files, gather data, and so much more. Its hard to imagine what life would be like without computers these days, we would have to send hand written letters and use a whiteboard or chalkboard, Now lets continue on with our technology lesson, Any Questions anyone?
  • Were you paying attention this lesson?
  • Huh? Oh no Sorry Sir.
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