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English storyboard

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English storyboard
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • And I love this Kofi hat!
  • Oh My! I love this head wrap!
  • Oh Darla! I know youalways think you are being ignored! I bought you a gift too!
  • alright! lets see...oh its a um.a..bookwell thanks I guess
  • I bought it in a marketplace in Maputo. It’s very old.
  • A diary. What kind of gift is that? I could get a diary at WalMart! But could you get a Kofi hat at Wal-Mart? Or an African head wrap?! I doubt it!
  • Darla, you are soself-centered.
  • You knowwho would be a great locker partner? Jill Morlan. Man, there’sa together girl. Smart, good-looking... but real nice, you know?And an honour student. Boy, that would be handy, with Algebranext year and all.
  • Dear Diary. What a lousy day... I love Margaret –. I just can’t stand how my parents dote on her. Anyway, Becky's mad at me. I suppose I don’t blame her – but come on! I didn’t know she wanted to be locker partners again.... I need a sane locker Partner. I wish Jill Morlan would be my locker partner!
  • Wow. I didn’t see this coming.
  • You and I are locker partners next year. Darla!
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