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Football rules

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Football rules
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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Rough the passerRoughing the passer15 yard penalty & automatic 1st down34
  • Hide the ball under a jerseypersonal foul15 yard penalty38
  • Use profanity, insulting or vulgar language or gesturesUnsportsmanlike conduct15 yard penalty27
  • Pushing, pulling or lifting the runner to aid his forward progressfoul: helping the runner5 yard penalty44
  • Failing to snap or free kick the ball within 25 seconds after the ball is made ready for playDelay of game5 yard penalty7-21
  • Use tobacco or smokeless tobacco Unsportsmanlike conduct15 yard penalty27
تم إنشاء أكثر من 30 مليون من القصص المصورة