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Haitian Revolution

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Haitian Revolution
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Sugar plantation
  • Sees other people start a battle
  • Joins the battle
  • Stevenson was a slave and worked every day in the sugar plantation, gaining no money from it.
  • Gets arrested
  • While cutting sugar cane, Stevenson sees that some of the French have invaded them and the Haitian people are fighting back.
  • Sent to jail
  • Stevenson joins the battle against the French. People on both sides die.
  • Publicly executed
  • Stevenson gets arrested for trying to fight against the French. He is sent to a boat that will take him to France.
  • Stevenson is sent to jail in France with the other Haitian people that were arrested.
  • Stevenson watches his fellow Haitian people being publicly executed as he waits his turn.
تم إنشاء أكثر من 30 مليون من القصص المصورة