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Isabella of Castile

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Isabella of Castile
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Isabella of Castile was born in 1451, by John II and Isabella of Portugal.
  • YAYYYY!!
  • Isabella was very intelligent and strong willed, but back then, women didn't have much access to education.
  • I told you you should have been a Catholic!!
  • As she grew older, she began to teach herself Latin, however her father died and her half brother (Henry) took the throne.
  • Isabella and her husband decided to unite Spain as a Catholic country. Isabella's biggest achievement was helping send Christopher Columbus to the new land.
  • In the inquisition, inquisitors would ask mainly Jews and Muslims, if they would be loyal to Catholicism. if they were found guilty, they would be tortured, and killed.
  • The inquisitors then burned all the books that had to do with any religion, other that Catholicism.
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