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Gandhi storyboard

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Gandhi storyboard
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نص القصة المصورة

  • A decentstudent, at the age of 18, he was sent tocollege in London to become a lawyer --which was the desire of his family.•Gandhi was unhappy inLondon. He never particularlyliked the study of law, and thecold damp climate of Englandwas very different from his native India.
  • •While in South Africa, Gandhi encountereddiscrimination based on his skin color. Hebegan to formulate his protest ideas. Hewas guided by satyagraha, or truth force,and he targeted unjust laws. Gandhi decidedto intentionally break laws he found to beunjust. This breaking of laws is known ascivil disobedience.
  • Stop non violence!Stop being races! Were untouchable!
  • I finally granted India independence
  • The British granted India its independence in 1947, but agreed to partition part of theland off into a “Muslim India” -- Pakistan.Gandhi was devastated. He believed that allindians, whether Hindu or Muslim, shouldcome together and form a single nation.Tremendous violence broke out betweenHindus and Muslims as millions of peoplemigrated between Pakistan and India. Gan-dhi, who was known by his nickname“Mahatma”, or great soul, visited the areasmost impacted by violence, and made a per-sonal appeal to stop the fighting.
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