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نص القصة المصورة

  • Ahh! A Bee!
  • A Phobia is different than a fear.A Phobia is considered a lot more intense, and psychologically complex.Below is an example of a Fear.
  • How is a Phobia so Detrimental?
  • She is constantly checking the weather, staying away from any windows, and freaking out to any change in weather.
  • This has affected her abiltiy to go to school, make friends, and have a normal day to day life!
  • This is Bella!She is afraid of Thunderstorms, so she doesnt leave her house!
  • A Phobia is considered a mental illness. Phobias cause loss of self control and the ability to go about ones day to day life like a normal person. Completing day to day tasks like going outside, or to work, to the doctor, having kids and pets, and more.It is important to understand what a Phobia looks like to understand its true affects.Following here is an example of what a Phobia could look like.
  • There ARE ways to find help and to treat Phobias! Different types of cognitive behavior therapy can allow a person to learn and grow their mind, getting used to this Phobia, and eventually getting over it and regaining control over their own lives again!You are NOT alone, and you have so much ahead of you! Seek help as soon as you can and start living the life you want to live.
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