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Migration Storyboard

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Migration Storyboard
Storyboard That

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Life in my Home Country
  • Why I Wanted to Leave
  • Where I Wanted to Go Why
  • I live with my wife and 2 kids in Honduras in our small house in the country side. I want to migrate some where internationally. America is the place where I want me and my family to be. The thing is, I don't want to put my family in danger. I don't want to lose another child...
  • My Travel Journey
  • I work at a factory who pays little money. I've done everything to make more money to get my family to a better place. We used to live in a nice place in the town. Some intervening obstacles are that I'm terrifed of flying but I would do anything to help my family...
  • Life when I Arrived
  • A nice house in the US is the dream. A big factorthat is pulling me there are the better job opportunties. We aren't being involuntary forced to migrate some place else. I just want a better life for my family even if it is leaving them for a lot. After a very, long hard decison we came up with as a family is that I will go to the US and beocme a guest worker...
  • My Life Today
  • After a couple months of getting my work visa approved and the scary plane ride there, I've arrived in a farm somewhere in California. The hope is will get enough money to maintain myself and sent remmitances to my family back home. I want to cause a chain migration so hopefully me and my family will be together in America.
  • It's been a couple weeks since I started working in California at the farm and the pay has been really good. Many guest workers and refugees are working at this farm with me. Everyday after work, I talk to my wife and kids. I send them money but they are still sad I am gone. My hope is that I can get the them to America. We will hopefully step migrate to someplace cheaper.
  • Ever since my work visa expired and I became an US citizen, with enough money I moved my wife and kids out here. We went rural to urban in the spend of many years. I think leaving my family to help us all out and have better life was a good desicion.
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