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Fahrenheit 451 Part 2 Story Board

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Fahrenheit 451 Part 2 Story Board
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Montag at the green park with Faber
  • "I don't talk things, I talk the meaning of things. I sit here and know I'm alive."
  • Montag on the phone with Faber
  • "Professor Faber, I have a rather odd question to ask. How many copies of the Bible are left in this country?"
  • "I want to know if there are any copies left at all."
  • "This is some sort of trap! I can't talk to just anyone on the phone
  • "I Don't know what you're talking about!."
  • Montag on the subway
  • "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
  • "Denham's Dentrifice!"
  • Montag remembers and looks back to the day meeting Faber at the green park.
  • Montag meeting Faber at Faber's front door
  • "Montag out here.""Let me in.""I'm alone, dammit!" "I swear!"
  • Montag heads upstairs to look for Faber's number and dials him to ask him questions about books.
  • Montag ripping out pages from the bible in front of Faber
  • "Who can stop me? I'm a fireman. I can burn you!I could!"
  • "Idiot, what're you doing! Don't, oh don't!You wouldn't.The book. Don't tear it any more.
  • Montag decides to take the subway to Faber's house and get's annoyed or suffers from the blaring ad.
  • Faber giving Montag the two way seashell radio
  • "It looks like a Seashell Radio.
  • "And something more! It listens if you put in your ear, Montag. I can sit comfortably home, warming my frightened bones, and hear and analyze the firemen's world, find its weaknesses, without danger.
  • Montag finally meets Faber at his house though Faber is rather scared or suspicious that Montag came with company. Plus Montag is a fireman so he's worried he has come to burn him.
  • "Who is it?""What do you want?""I haven't done anything!""You swear it?""I'm sorry. One has to be careful."
  • Montag out of frustration rips out pages off the bible because Faber was not being serious with Montag about trying to bring books back.
  • Faber gives Montag a two way seashell radio to listen to the firemen and the things going around his house. To help Montag and get to know the firement.
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