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نص القصة المصورة

  • encado saw a man trying to take a woman and the they fought the other mans name was gilgamesh.they fought for a long time then finaly gilgamesh won the battle.But gilgamesh liked the way encudo fought so they became friends
  • you fight good
  • you do to
  • So they went to the seder forest and then the demond came out to stop them but gilgimesh casted the wind of the gods.So then the demond cold not move and then gilgimesh killed the demond.
  • no we will fight you
  • yes we will
  • leave now or u will pay
  • After the fight the monster was dead and then they were free to get what ever seater tree they wanted.
  • yes we can my brother
  • thank you
  • good work
  • now we can get the finest seter wood there is
  • After the battle gilgemes was famos and the god of love fell in love with him.But dut gilgimesh brushed her off.
  • i love u
  • i dont like u go away
  • But gilgamesh did not know the god of love was also the god of war.so the god of love sent the bull of god to run thro the town.but encudo grabed the bull by the hurns and then gilgimesh killed it with one swing.Ass a punishment the gods decided to kill encudo.
  • After gilgamesh went to the botem of the sea he got the leaves but the snake stole the leaves and then the snal sheded his skin and became young again.
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