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English Civil War

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English Civil War
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Unpopularity of Charles l
  • Charles l is the worst king ever
  • I agree. He taxes us and locks us up without any reasoning
  • Civil War
  • Not so fast. You'll have to get through us first!
  • There's the king's Castle!
  • Overthrow of Charles l
  • King Charles, it's over. You will be punished for what you have done!
  • A lot of the people are complaining about the lack of rule. Maybe we should-
  • Charles l was hated everywhere for the way he treated his people. He taxed them and occasionally locked people up without reasoning
  • Restoration of the Stuart monarchy
  • Who cares what they think!? Let's focus on trying to give the churches more power
  • The parliament tried to overthrow King Charles l as they were tired of having to put up with his way of ruling. The parliament battled against the king's supporters in order to overthrow him
  • Glorious Revolution
  • He's around here somewhere. Find him!
  • With the help of Oliver Cromwell, the parliament was able to be victorious in the civil war. Leading into Cromwell's reign over England
  • English bill of rights
  • We should limit the King's power just a tad bit.
  • great idea! We should also give the people more rights
  • After the death of Cromwell, they decided to restore the Stuart Monarchy with Charles ll as king. It definitely go as planned as Charles was favoring Catholicism. He would quickly deny any laws against them but always tried to offer ideas which would give them more power.
  • The Glorious Revolution was one of the more peaceful revolutions. This revolution was used to dethrone King James ll. English nobles would invite the Dutch leader, William of Orange, to invade england to be able to get rid of James ll. Once William and his forces arrived a scared James retreated to London with his wife making it easier for WIlliams forces to overtake them.
  • Hurry! We have to go before they find us!
  • Following the events of the Glorious Revolution, the English government made a Bill of Rights under the name of the "English Bill of Rights". This bill gave more rights to the people and put a limit to the kings power.
  • Great Ideas! Let me keep writing these down
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