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Cyberbullying Comic Strip

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Cyberbullying Comic Strip
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  •  Instagram(Public Account)
  • GamerBoy: .....
  • Hmm.. Who is GamerBoy? 
  • Avery's Computer
  • I saw your posts. U r so ugly and fat. U should work out more and stop, you pig. Whenever u go to Ms. Jones class, u make the floor shake. No one likes U. 
  • GB
  • Avery's Computer
  • A
  • Of course it is, you idiot!
  • Who r u? What do u want? Why would you say that? Is it really true?
  • GB
  • That's horrible. Avery, we need to stop him!
  • That is bad. I promise I won't tell anyone. Just ignore him and he will probably go away. 
  • Guys, I got bullied last night on Instagram by a guy called "Gamer Boy". I am scared to go to school beacsue he probably goes here since he knows I have Ms. Jones. Please don't tell anyone.
  • Avery was getting bullied by a kid called Gamer Boy. I used digital footprint to figure out who he is, and it is Baxter Smith. Could you talk to his parents.
  • Sure, I will see to it.
  • Why would you bully that poor kid?!
  • I am so sorry. I did it because I didn't know how to get rid of the anger and stress I had because of both of you fighting and our financial problems. Bullying other kids seemed like help. I promise I will not repeat it. 
  • You are going to get punished for this. 
  • You must apologize to Avery. 
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