إنشاء القصة المصورة
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القصة المصورة
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القصة المصورة
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نص القصة المصورة
الانزلاق: 1
What is happening? Why am I here?What is this place?!
I don't know what happened but everything is so different here.
الانزلاق: 2
What are those massive and tall thing called?
I think he's lost. I've got to help him.
What is he wearing?
Oh thank goodness! Your kindness is much appreciated.
Hey, are you lost?How can I help you?
الانزلاق: 3
Oh those are buildings.
So what are these massive and thing called?
Oh really? Can you describe yours?
Wow. The structures are very different from ours.
Well, our domestic architecture utilized wattle and daub construction.
Well. the architecture in 21st Century is called Contemporary Architecture.
Basically, they were usually roundhouses and has circular structures.
You see, we have different styles here from postmodernism, high-tech architecture, etc.
الانزلاق: 4
Oh! I have a message!
What is that?
This one? Oh this is a cellphone!
Cellphone? What is that?
الانزلاق: 5
Wow! It's very different from ours. We used cuneiform script that was written in clay.
Cellphone has a lot of functions but one primary function is communication.
It's very difficult back then to communicate.
It allows people to call and message another even from afar.
Indeed, they even have to write in letters before and it will take days to arrive the message.
Wow! It seems like everything is so accessible right now.
Yes. Even our transportation is so easy right now.
الانزلاق: 6
Yes. This is a car one of the modes of transportation. We have buses, trains airplanes, and ships.
Really? That's why I don't see any horses and camels here.
Indeed, advances in transportation and technology made goods, people, and places lighter.
Wow. Back then, we have to use donkeys, horses, camels, and wheels that was made of wood.
Oh no! I'm already late. I've got go now.
That's sad. But I am so grateful for your help.
I've learned a lot about the differences between now and then.
No worries. It's my pleasure to help you!
تم إنشاء أكثر من 30 مليون من القصص المصورة