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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Haymarket riot started off as a peaceful protest with Knight of Labor members. It was peaceful until someone threw a bomb, injuring about 100 people and killing 7 people. Knights of Labor receive backlash about this, being blamed for the bombing.
  • The homestead strike was a strike against Carnegie's Steel company. Workers protested by protesting outside headquarters, which was named Homestead. Henry Frick hired Pinkerton guards to protect the new workers Carnegie has brought in. When the guards arrived, hell broke loss at a river. The guards surrendered, but this was still a major setback in several labor unions because they were viewed as violent, while Carnegie was untouched.
  • STOP!
  • The Pullman Strike was a strike against Pullman Palace Car Company. When the country was in an economic depression, Pullmans company needed to maintain profits. So they lower worker's wage 25%. Despite all of this, Pullman Palace was still struggling. Their workers went on strike. The American airway union called the railroads to stop running trains with Pullmans cars. People were mad and about 250,000 people in the railroad company joined the strike. The federal government later said that this strike affected a government service. This shows how federal power can control Labor unions.
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