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Animal Farm

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Animal Farm
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Exposition
  • we need to rise up! So that we can live happier fuller lives!
  • rising action
  • conflict
  • On manor farm the animals live a miserable life. They work all the time and barely get feed. The farmer, Mr.Jones was always drunk and mean. They were tired of all of it, one day a pig named major spoke of a revolution. This revolution included rising up and creating a farm lead by animals
  • climax
  • Years later, after major was gone Mr.Jones lashed out at the animals. This was the last straw for them. They ran him out of the farm. Weeks later he returned with more people. Their fighting became known as the battle of the cowshed. The animals won, drove the humans out, and began creating their own farm.
  • falling action
  • After Animal farm had been established a conflict began between snowball and Napoleon (the pigs who were leading animal farm) They had trouble agreeing on things and were constantly undermining the other. After getting mad at one of the snowballs ideas. Napolean revealed his team of big angry dogs. He sent them after snowball, who escaped to another farm.
  • exposition
  • Then began Napoleans control of animal farm. Meetings were abolished and things quickly changed. The animals grew very scared of Napolean and his dogs. They were forced to do more work, while the pigs had to do much less. They were fed much less even though the pigs seemed to be getting bigger. And the commandments were being changed.
  • Most animals that were alive for majors speech are long gone. The animals lead miserable lives and are fed lies by Napoleon and his pigs, who live very pleasurable lives and get plenty of food and a whole house to live in. But the animals are weak and don't have any options so they follow Napoleans lies and orders blindly.
  • Things keep getting worse. Napolean begins making deals with humans, sends away boxer the old horse who was just about to retire. Finally the animals discover the pigs are friends with the farmers who wanted to take away their farm. One day the animals are working when they see all of the pigs start to walk on two legs, with sheep chanting 4 legs good, 2 legs better.
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