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carlos stuff
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about demon

نص القصة المصورة

  • sFor Thousands of years we have been told of this viscous creature named the devil all stories can be summed up to hes evil and he lives inside of earth thy got one part right he is evil but hes not from earth 
  • U want the truth than sit back and the story goes the devil was gods greatest angel beautiful and powerful unlike no one before him he was cocky and proud so much so that he even said hes power was greater than his fathers
  • this statement didnt sit well with god so he vanishes him in common culture he was vanished to hell a place deep in earth but the truth is god sent the devil to the moon for it was even then too dangerous for the devils power to be on earth milllions of years later and the devil still lives out his sentence hoping for a chance to return until the first moon landing accured
  • ilet us begin than the years 1996 the day mankind landed on the moon the devil to spend his horrid time on this god forsaken rock has spend the past milenia digging himself a grave well he called it his underground castle but it was mostly a cave that stretche hundreds of mil in to the moon
  • There it was the chance the devil needed Apollo 13s jets burning the surface of the moon
  • The devil awoke from his cave to find a lonely human a host for him to go back to earth unditected he took his true form a 50ft giant born to kill
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