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Natural Selection StoryBoard

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Natural Selection StoryBoard
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Polar Bears
  • A population of Polar bears started 900 in the late 1970's to around 2,100 today.
  • In the summer, the sun is causing the ice to melt, which is a huge problem for the polar bears survival , The was melting , which cause it to turn into water
  • Now, It is winter so the ice is getting more thicker and since polar bear has white fur they can camouflage with the snow , and they have a higher chance to get food
  • Introduction Slide 
  • Principal #1 Genetic Variation
  • Genetic diversity and structure of the worldwide polar bears population have change amid a decline in sea ice habit.
  • Principal #2 Overproduction & the struggle for existence
  • Polar bears are scary predators in Antarctica, They have sharp and point nails to catch their food with and it helps the m survive, even their big heavy fur they have to keep warm.
  • Principal #3 Differential Survival &Reproduction
  • Principal #4 Changes in Gene Pool
  • Summary/ Conclusion slide
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