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History Project - Falkland War

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History Project - Falkland War
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Lieutenant general, Leopardio Gaiteri, announced that Argentina was going to take over the Falkland Islands, which at the time were under the control of Great Britain.
  • People of Argentina, I come before you to tell my plan to invade the Falkland Islands.
  • The people have been wanting us to invade. Those who agree say ay.
  • AY!
  • ________
  • The people pressured the military government to take action therefore the plan was decided.
  • On April 2, 1982, Argentina came to the Falkland Islands unannounced, declaring a undeclared war, lead by Leopardio Gatiteri
  • Margeret Thratcher, the prime minister of Britain at the time, spoke her thoughts and the war officially began on April 2, 1982!
  • I can not believe that Argentina come without any warning taking OUR land for such ridiculous reasons. We are sending troops as we speak!
  • The conflict between the two countries lasted for 74 days with interventions from the United States and France. On June 14, 1982, Argentina surrendered, giving the victory to Great Britain and ending the conflict.
  • After the war, the people of Argentina had doubt in the military government and overthrew it, replacing it with civilian rule in 1938
  • Boo!
  • Off with their head!
  • Get out!
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