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Sexual Abuse and The Disturbed Girls Dictionary

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Sexual Abuse and The Disturbed Girls Dictionary
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القصة المصورة الوصف

By Mia McGill, Montanez, 5th

نص القصة المصورة

  • Introduction
  • Women who are sexually harassed typically view themselves as lesser to men and their confidence is destroyed.
  • Narration
  • Women who face sexual harassment may be to afraid to report it because they are embarrassed or fear losing their job.
  • Sexual harassment is a type of harassment technique that relates to a sexual nature and the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of awards in exchange of sexual favors. It includes a wide rage of actions to mild transgressions to sexual abuse or assault.(sexual harassment)
  • Confirmation Novel
  • "Enough is never enough," I say. "Enough is never enough?" ..."Why not? Why do want to walk around with those things"-I point at her chest-"here?" I point outside...A police car is chasing Subaru that's chasing a Ford Pinto.
  • Macy hides her body because she doesn't want to attract the guys around her because they seem to think the same thing about women.
  • Sexual abuse affects the body image and self esteem of women.
  • Confirmation Research Source
  • Kiss me I'll give you a raise
  • Statistics vary, but between 40 to 70 percent of women face sexual harassment. (Rachel Thompson) 
  • Concession/Refutation
  • Twenty-two year old single mother Tanya Harrell of New Orleans was sexually harassed by two male colleagues In a New Orleans branch of McDonald's. After being told by a female supervisor she was showing "sex appeal." (waging a battle)
  • Almost all the men in The Disturbed Girl's Dictionary make sexual gestures or comments to the women around them.
  • Conclusion
  • Sexual harassment does affect how a woman view herself and her self esteem but with help it can be prevented.
  • Some men use their position of power against women to make them do things.
  • In a national survey of 4,300 restaurant workers by the ... Restaurant Opportunities Centers United [ROC], more than one in 10 workers reported that they or a coworker had experienced sexual harassment. ROC says even this creepy figure is likely an undercount.(slaughter, jane)
  • Places are beginning to recognize the problem with harassment and are taking care of it,
  • Kim Lawson, 25, of Kansas City, Mo. was also harassed at McDonald's while Kristi Maisenbach, 22, of Rancho Cordova, Calif. filed a complaint against McDonalds in 2016 - after her shift manager sent her a text offering her $1,000 for oral sex. Maisenbach's female supervisor put her on janitorial duties.(waging a battle)
  • McDonald's has expanded its campaign to include sexual harassment...Carlson says "they went from feeling lost and vulnerable to feeling empowered."(waging a battle)
  • The more sexual harassment cases that are reported the more the problem will be taken care of.
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