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bill of rights

قم بإنشاء Storyboard
انسخ هذه القصة المصورة
bill of rights
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Hey mom, how does the bill of rights help us?
  • It lets you have the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.
  • petition
  • It gives you the right to bear arms and have a militia.
  • One of the amendments gives you the right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures.
  • It gives you the right to a speedy trial.
  • It protects you against excessive punishments, like expensive bails.
  • And, it states that the rights of the people aren't limited just to the rights listed in the constitution.
  • Okay! Thanks, mom.
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