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The Elevator

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The Elevator
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • One day Martin got in the elevator to go to school.
  • The reason why a creepy elevator is because martin is afraid of elavators,, and a the reason because it takes place when he is a child is because he is more afriad
  • A creepy fat lady got on and wouldnt stop staring at Martin.
  • Hello MARTIN!
  • The next day Martin saw the fat lady waiting for him on the elevator.
  • Martin got scarred and ran down the stairs but he fell and broke his leg.
  • Grow up martin
  • He was scared to go back on the elevator and his dad had to go do something and left Martin all alone.
  • The woman gets back on the elevator and says hello to martin with his name even though he never told her his name
  • the climax is when the woman says hello martin
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