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نص القصة المصورة

  • Yes, I heard she was being very lenient on religion, unlike her sister.
  • Have you heard of what queen Elizabeth has been doing recently?
  • And there has only been one revolution so far, though it wasn't a very glorious revolution and ended with bloodshed.
  • Yep, and she ended the war with France and Spain.
  • Of course, plus she hasn't raised taxes much.
  • Well, at least she is working well with parliament and acting as an idol for women.
  • Fair enough, but at least she is better than the last few queens and kings.
  • Technically, but she has been forcing people to give her loans and increasing our country's debt by taking actual loans from private companies.
  • Me too, if only we were a commonwealth and could vote for a leader, or at least have parliament vote for one.
  • Yeah, I'm worried about who the next king or queen will be.
  • Exactly. Anyways, I need to go die to a disease I got because I haven't washed my hands in... actually, I've never washed my hands.
  • A group of people electing the leader does seem more reliable than a leader chosen because of his bloodline.
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