The story begins when three friends who have not seen one another since childhood decide to go for a walk one day and run into each other along the way,and talked about their childhood memories
OMG ! I can´t believe it are you guys !! it´s good to see you again Hi Ale and Dayana, long time no see hi guys this is a great surprise for me about if we go for drink ?
ok ! I´m over it now, I can tell you
...SO.. What memories do we have a bout our childhood?...Ian maybe you want to tell us about your accident from when you was a child
tell you please , I would like to know about it ...
I so sorry !! Ian Ale ... I remember that you always was talking a long were you talking to ?'
I used to play hanging on a tree with my friends . One day my mom said to me "You can´t go with them " I not wanted to hear her and I went out anyway ! I was on the top of the tree , while I was hanging I couldn´t resist and I fell from the tree and my arm was broken,.
Ha Ha was funny I always thought she seemed crazy talking along ...
Ha Ha ... I did not talking alone I was talking with my friend Benjamin, I didn´t know why anybody else couldn´t see at himwhen I grew up I realizedhe was my imaginary friend.
and you Dayana tell us about your childhood memories
Well !! One of my cousins had a dog I remember my mom said to my "Please don´t get close to the dog it´s dangerous"But I didn´t listen to her , I tried to touch it and the dog bite was a terrible moment.
I think definitely we needed to listen our moms their knowledge is really powerfull