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The dog of Pompeii

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The dog of Pompeii
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • This is Tito and his dog Bimbo they live on an island. They don't have house or parents. 
  • They love under a bridge in Pompeii. Bimbo is like a parent to Tito. 
  • Once a year there are fireworks. They last for a couple days every year.
  • Tito is blind he's been blind since birth. Bimbo helps him see. Bimbo never leaves Tito.
  • Bimbo only leaves Tito when he's sleeping. When he leaves Tito its to find him food to eat. 
  • While Tito is sleeping Bimbo goes and finds him food and brings it back to him. When Tito wakes up Bimbo is back with the food. 
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