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Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • we're poor i wish we had more money there so many great products out there if we could create one we'd be rich but ........
  • not really
  • hmmmm do you have any ideas
  • hello there Im professor malestrom welcome to my store be sure to let me know if there is anything I can help you with
  • okay but its not like I could afford anything anyway im tired of being broke not like you'd understand though just look at all this stuff you have for sale
  • i hate to see you so upset come here let me tell you something all these products may look great but most of them are a heap of crap see i advertise them as life changing inovations but in reality they're worthless!!!
  • dear god that guys a crook what he's doing is super unethical not to mention illeagl he could get in trouble with the F.T.C
  • The federal trade commision they stop deseptive and unethical business practices and protect the public from crooks like that guy you met
  • hey your back come up with anything while you were gone
  • oh really
  • nope he said all you have to do is put a fancy name on a heap pf crap and adveritse it as the next big thing
  • the who
  • i sure did see i went to this store and met this guy he told me you don't have to have great products
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