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نص القصة المصورة
1973-the organization of Petroleum exporting countries placed and embargo on oil imported by the U.S,... (OPEC)
Maybe there some oil in there
Hopefully Im tried of speeding my life saving on gas 
1970- Oil cost increased and hurt the U.S. economy during the 1970s
Me standing hoping some gas will transfer to my car without paying for it!!!
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi shah King of Iran until being overthrown during 1979 Iran revolution 
I wonder what I'm going to do after 
We hate him!!
Let me just go with the flow because Im not trying to get killed out here 
I don't know why y'all complaining you guys are the ones who choose him 
(1979-1989)- Ayatollah Ruhollah khomeini become Iran's supreme leader 
Ayatollan Ruhollah khomeini is the Supreme leader!! This sounds nice 
There are 52 Americans in here!! which one can I eat without no one noticing 
(1979-1981)-52 American were held hostage in Iran for 444 days 
I don't know why that soldier mad he not smelling what I'm smelling 
OH!! it stinks 
This is why I should've stayed home 
I knew they were crazy!!!! Look at their country name 
 March 20,1973-U.S leaves Vietnam 
See you suckers!!! HAHA
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