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The British Partitioned Bengal into Western and Eastern Bengal in 1905. Bengal was mainly partitioned because it was too large to govern.
Oh no! I have lost my job and position due to the partition of Bengal
I think the British partitioned Bengal because they want to weaken our Hindu unity.
Finally! Our position is improved, we are independent and we have our own province East Bengal.
I think that partition took place because of the growing nationalism in India and Hindu's conflicts with us.
I will leave the Western schools and set up my own institutions.
As a result Hindus started Swadeshi movement revolutionary activities and attempted to kill Lord Minto
Reverse the partition right now
I will burn all my foreign clothes. I do not wish to wear them again in this life.
Please let me out
Tilak was imprisoned due to his revolutionary activities. He was not in contact with his followers.
British decided to reverse the Partition because they were unable to control the revolutionary activities of HINDUS
We are announcing to reverse the partition of BENGAL.[1911]
Thank you
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