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انسخ هذه القصة المصورة
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • ‘Where’s Gary?’ Says Mark. “He isn’t usually late. The truck is ready. Everybody’s waiting.“
  • I’ve got a bad arm, Mr.Miles,‘says Gary. “Im very sorry, but I can’t drive today.”
  • Someone is looking under the truck
  • I want a coffee
  • Drugs, I think, and the man in the green shirt wants them. He does’t eant your sandwiches, and he’s angry. We’re in danger, Andy. I must do something
  • What’s this?
  • Mr.Miles is looking for Mr.Gary, to drive the truck and deliver the cargo, Gary is found to be unfit to drive. M. Miles assigns Andy and Kim to take over for the injured driver.
  • Where are the drugs and were are the men?
  • While loading the truck, the protagonists decided to wait in a cafe. When they noticed a mysterious man dressed in green loitering in their truck and realized that he is taking a package
  • Why are you late?
  • It’s a long story.
  • They soon realize that the man is looking for a package of drugs, and instead took Andy's sandwiches. The suspicious man starts a chase to retrieve his package
  • Losing the mystery man, they head to the dump to mislead him and throw the drugs into a container. In this an ambush occurs that causes a fight and leaves the suspects unarmed. Andy tells the police who arrive at the place where the suspects are.
  • In that skip
  • The police officers Andy calls, they take the suspects into custody. After this journey, Andy and Kim finally deliver the tables.
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