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Stephen F. Austins Arrest in Mexico

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Stephen F. Austins Arrest in Mexico
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القصة المصورة الوصف

Stephen F. Austin went to Mexico to meet with President Santa Ana about some demands of people but Santa Ana put Austin in jail because he thought Austin was a trouble maker. When he was released, Austin saw people getting ready to rebel and Austin thought they were right. Now, THE TEXAS REVOLUTION BEGINS.

نص القصة المصورة

  • Stephen F. Austin went to Mexico City after he wrote the letter to talk to President Santa Ana.
  • Dear President Santa Ana,The people of Texas think you have made some laws unfair and wanted you to correct them. The
  • President Santa Ana thought Austin was a troublemaker in Mexico. So, he put Austin in jail.
  • After a year or so, Austin was released from jail and he saw Texans getting ready to rebel. He thought the Texans were right.
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