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Three little Pigs StoryBoard

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Three little Pigs StoryBoard
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • The three little pigs are all told to build houses to live in. So they each go off and build their own house.
  • The first little pig builds his house out of straw. But the wolf is able to blow his house down.
  • The second little pig builds his house out of sticks. But the wolf is able to blow is house down too.
  • The third little pig built his house out of bricks. So when the wolf came to blow his house down he couldn't.
  • The wolf climbed on the roof and down the chimney but the three little pigs had a surprise for him at the bottom!
  • The wolf fell into a pot of boiling water and the pigs cooked him and eat him for supper.
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